3 6-person cottages
Kuulammentie, Taivalkoski, Finland
93400 Taivalkoski
93400 Taivalkoski
The well-equipped Kuuharju holiday cabins are located next to the Taivalkoski parish village, right at the Taivalvaara ski resort, on the shores of the romantic Kuulampi.
The cabins are double storey alpine cottages. The ground floor is built from stone, while the upper storey is built from round logs. The cabins are equipped for 6 people, incl. a sauna, a shower, 2 toilets, a metal fireplace, a dishwasher, a washing machine, TV, toaster, vacuum, dishes for 6. Customer have to bring own bed linen.
The minimum rental period is 2 days.
Here, you can enjoy a wide range of recreational activities in summer and in winter.
A summer sauna and a jetty for swimmers are located at Kuulampi.